Innovative Answering Assistance is an all-in-one Scheduling and Management call center. We currently handle over 1.8 million service industry phone calls annually. Innovative (IAA) was started on June 23, 2010 by Anthony Castiglione and his then girlfriend, now wife Jessica in their 1 bedroom apartment in Sarasota, Florida. At the time, Anthony was a garage door technician that realized there was a major need for a service specific call center that could schedule appointments with logistics in mind rather than sending technicians all over the map. Anthony’s original goal was simple: to make a technician’s life on the road easier with less driving. IAA was born!
As we started with our first company that trusted us with their phone lines, it quickly grew to three and then four companies. As we started answering for our fourth company, it became abundantly clear that this was not a scalable business model. There was something major missing. How on earth could we answer the phone for five or ten different companies and know exactly how each wants their calls scheduled and answered? It’s impossible. Or was it? The major piece that was missing was technology. The human error element was always going to be the issue, there was no way a human being could remember all the different specifics for each company and get it right every time. Rover was born!
Rover is our proprietary scheduling system that allows us to customize each company to ensure that every call is scheduled exactly where it should be. Whether it’s job category specific, technician specific, timing, location, Rover knows it all. It will even schedule the calls directly into your CRM! With the creation and implementation of Rover, we were able to create a scalable business model that allows us to schedule appointments at the highest level possible, for an unlimited number of companies, at one time. Without Rover, we would not have been able to grow to become the largest service specific call center in the world!
We are remote! After experiencing the seriousness of a hurricane back in 2017, we made the switch to a fully remote employee model. We obviously did not know it at the time, but we were also planning for a world that would be introduced to COVID-19 a few short years later. Our remote model has proven to be an incredible asset to us not only for severe weather situations, or for COVID, but for employee morale as well! We now have an unlimited hiring pool that spans 24 different states allowing a fantastic work life balance for each employee. Happy employees make for happy phone calls!
As the years have gone on, we have been fortunate enough to add 100+ companies/customers that trust us with their phone lines each day. In 2023, we will schedule approximately $400,000,000 in service calls and installations for our customers!